With the new year well under way, the anxiety of tasks that need to be started, worked on and completed become sometimes just too much. Feeling anxious about tasks is not healthy and whilst some may say that its a great motivator, in reality it causes unwanted stress on top of the work load. Stress […]
Why does the same thing keep showing up in my life?
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know. This is a brilliant lesson that will keep showing up in your life until you deal with it or change something. Usually the “thing” that keeps showing up in your life is the lesson. Once we sit down and reflect and perhaps even journal what’s […]
Communication Breakdown

In all relationships they say “Communication is the key”. As much as we try to keep it going smoothly there comes a time when we are pressed for time, annoyed with each other or we are distracted with the children, work or family issues, health issues etc.. This can strain the smooth communication flow between […]
How We Look at Things Can be Important.

If you have been listening to the news and TV for the past few months, you might be feeling a little battered and drained of energy. While I can see the appeal of wanting to know what is happening around the world and locally, I can’t seem to get past the fact that people are […]
Articles, Relationships