You think I’m joking here, but a holiday can almost be a state of mind. How often do we take a holiday only to find we come back needing another holiday? School and Uni holidays are nearly upon us and for many we are still committed to work or other activities that keep us from […]
Want to run away from your friends?
We have all felt at some stage in our lives that we want to run away from a friend or friendship group. It may have been a feeling of being left out of an event or conversation or that you are feeling overwhelmed by your own current situation which makes facing your usual group just […]
Anxiety, Depression, friend, Friendship, Kids anxiety, reinventing yourself, Relationships, sadness, seperation anxiety, stress, tools to help with Anxiety & Depression, toxic friendsOne way of training your kids to talk openly to you.
Obviously we all talk to each other as a family but as our children grow older and those wonderful hormones kick in, often talking at a deeper level becomes a lot harder. I had a client once who’s 12 year old boy didn’t come and tell him and his wife that some boys were […]
Anxiety, Communicate well, Depression, getting kids to talk, good communication with teenagers, Kids anxiety, Relationships, seperation anxiety, stress, stress with Teenagers, teenage anxiety, Teenage depression, Teenagers, tools to help with Anxiety & DepressionThoughts Become Our Outcomes.
Once upon a time……….. in our own imagination we come up with a story. One we want, one we have and one we want to go away. The voices in our head, the last thoughts before bed and everything in between, paint a constant picture of what’s going on in our own story. We may […]
Communication Breakdown
In all relationships they say “Communication is the key”. As much as we try to keep it going smoothly there comes a time when we are pressed for time, annoyed with each other or we are distracted with the children, work or family issues, health issues etc.. This can strain the smooth communication flow between […]
Everyone has a story!
Article supplied by Life Coach Alexandra Andrews How does our story compare with someone else’s? Do we ever catch ourselves saying: I would love their life? They wouldn’t understand they don’t know what I’m going through. Is the grass greener on the other side? If we took our own problems or issues and grouped them […]
How We Look at Things Can be Important.
If you have been listening to the news and TV for the past few months, you might be feeling a little battered and drained of energy. While I can see the appeal of wanting to know what is happening around the world and locally, I can’t seem to get past the fact that people are […]
Articles, Relationships'Marriage or Partnership' – Are You Still being Intimate?
Article supplied by Life Coach Alexandra Andrews Are you still being initimate? I read an interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald “Lust For Life”. By “Bettina Arndt”. It was suggesting that a discussion sits within each individual person and their own internally/external sexual desires and how, within relationships and/or marriages, there is perhaps a […]