It’s quite timely that I write about this topic. A new year of high school kids have graduated, some of them are starting tertiary education and some of them are off travelling the world. What happens to the Mums left behind when our our children spread their wings? This is an interesting topic and one that can […]
Posts tagged "Relationships"
Want to run away from your friends?
We have all felt at some stage in our lives that we want to run away from a friend or friendship group. It may have been a feeling of being left out of an event or conversation or that you are feeling overwhelmed by your own current situation which makes facing your usual group just […]
Anxiety, Depression, friend, Friendship, Kids anxiety, reinventing yourself, Relationships, sadness, seperation anxiety, stress, tools to help with Anxiety & Depression, toxic friendsOne way of training your kids to talk openly to you.
Obviously we all talk to each other as a family but as our children grow older and those wonderful hormones kick in, often talking at a deeper level becomes a lot harder. I had a client once who’s 12 year old boy didn’t come and tell him and his wife that some boys were […]
Anxiety, Communicate well, Depression, getting kids to talk, good communication with teenagers, Kids anxiety, Relationships, seperation anxiety, stress, stress with Teenagers, teenage anxiety, Teenage depression, Teenagers, tools to help with Anxiety & DepressionHow We Look at Things Can be Important.

If you have been listening to the news and TV for the past few months, you might be feeling a little battered and drained of energy. While I can see the appeal of wanting to know what is happening around the world and locally, I can’t seem to get past the fact that people are […]
Articles, Relationships